Sunday, September 23, 2012

Machu Picchu Mountain

 Machu Picchu Mountain is situated not far from Aguas Calientes town, Peru. At the bottom of the mountain there is an ancient Incan town with homonymous name. A ticket to Machu Picchu costs about $35 and can be bought only with passport submitting.
In this post there are no photos from the ancient city itself - it's devoted to the climbing the mountain and beautiful views which open from it.
This steep staircase paved with stones many centuries ago leads to the very top of the mountain.

The rise goes up higher and higher. Even if there are no steps the path goes up. The town itself is situated on the height of 2400 meters above sea level - this photo was shot 300 meters higher.
Everything around is nebulous and sometimes visibility does not exceed a couple of meters. Somewhere on the left in the gorge the Urubamba river flows.
From that point views of surroundings begin to open.
In the centre of the panorama there is Putucusi Mountain, about 2500 meters high.
And here is Huayna Picchu Mountain, also very popular among Machu Picchu visitors. Its height is about 2700 meters.
And that's how the empty Machu Picchu looks in the end of the day. As a place of interest it works only till 5 p.m. No, it's of course not padlocked - the thing is that the last bus from here departs at 5 p.m. So take it into account, if you decide to visit the amazing ancient Incan town!

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