Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Claim Tax Back When Leaving the UK

 Do you know that besides claiming Value Added Tax (VAT) at the airport, you can also get your tax back? But this offer only limited to those who have stayed and resided in the United Kingdom (UK) for some time. While the residences of UK were not only white people, many permanent residences of UK coming from other races and country. Thus, it is not surprising that many of those people will leave the country for good after spending couple of years of their life in the UK. However, regardless whatever reason you left, you certainly need to do the tax back when leaving the country and I will do my best to assist you on how.

Who is eligible for tax refund when leaving the country?

Almost anyone that has worked in the UK paying income tax who then decides to leave for an extended period of time will be able to apply for a tax rebate when leaving the country.

Will I be able to claim all my tax when leaving the UK tax refund for good?

It will depend on your income for each previous tax year and how much tax you paid. However you will almost certainly be due a tax refund from the tax year when you leave the UK.

How can I calculate what my tax refund when leaving the UK will be?

When you finish working you should be given a P45 from your employer, on the P45 there will be the income and tax figures for the year. Take these numbers and input them in our tax rebate calculator and it will tell you instantly if you are due a tax refund.

What about tax rebates from previous years?

If you have P60s for previous years you can check to see if you have overpaid in these years too. The longest back you can claim for is 6 years.

When can I claim tax back when leaving the UK?

As soon as you stop working you are able to claim any tax rebate that you might be due.

Can I claim my National Insurance Tax Back when leaving the UK?

Many people are unaware that you can claim back National Insurance Contributions however this can only be done if you are still resident when you apply. An NI (National Insurance) Rebate can be claimed at anytime and only needs to be done once (from thereon it is automatically done for you each year).

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